Hello April! It’s chapter 4 of this story we are writing together called “2022”- what little joys will it hold? I can tell you this- you need to actively look for them and then hold on to them with your photos and words- or else they will slip into grey of “just another day”.
Imagine not seeing a friend for a few weeks, and they ask- how was your month? What will you say? “Oh, you know the regular.” Or- will you be able to think of a few highlights- a few special moments that set these April days apart from others and made them part of a notable chapter in this year?
I collected a few *photo prompts to help you collect a little joy this month- and, I’ll be playing along with you!
You Know it’s April When: What is it that you see or hear or do that makes it undeniably April for you? Are there special routines you have that mark the start of Spring? Any special foods you buy, recipes you cook, places you visit? These are important bookmarks in the Chapter called April- why not tell the story of them? Snap (or even download) a picture and you are halfway there!
Spring Cleaning: Are you doing any spring cleaning this month? Why not make it more fun and take a “Before” and “After” photo? Maybe your not cleaning- but doing a “reset”- what does that look like?
Spring Decorations: Whether it’s a simple daffodil or tulip on your desk, a pretty wreath on your door or full scale Easter palooza – how does your nest look different in April?
Growth/Bloom: What is in bloom around you this month? Dogwood trees and flowers? The new grass that smells awesome after a gentle spring rain? The floral section of the supermarket? Or is it you? How are you growing this month? A new hobby, habit or routine? Are you learning something new? Capture that little joy and celebrate it’s magic.
Fresh Air and Sunshine: Just look up. It’s great advice on so many levels! The song of blue skies and sunshine breaking the beat of cold winter days is what makes our hearts dance in the springtime! How are things brightening up for you? Do you have longer days of sunshine? Is the sun warmer on your face? Or is it deeper? Is the load of life getting a little lighter? Can you see the blue skies ahead? What photos can you take to capture that optimism?
I hope these prompts get you clicking and documenting! And even if they don’t if you just pause- for one brief moment and soak in one special moment and mark it in your memory and think- yes- this is why I love April- then you will have captured joy- and that’s an awesome thing!
Make it a happy April friends!
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
Omar Khayyam
*(Each month I give 5 photo prompts- that’s the potential for 5 stories/layouts a month – that’s 60 stories/layouts a year!)