I’m a the type of person that is pretty easy to read. Pretty much because I leave a trail of emotional breadcrumbs all over my art boards and will pretty much spill out my heart to all who care to indulge me π
These days, I have been very mindful that in just 2 turns of the calendar page, my older guy will be starting college. One day I will be on cloud nine with excitement for all the wonderful stories and journeys he is about to have- and the next, I may be hurting a bit for my little boy lost. And, lets be honest, a few days I have an inner madwoman raging inside who wants to squash the teen beast that cant seem to put clean clothes in his drawer- let alone a separate pile away from the filthy ones on his floor. I am, to say the least a multifaceted emotional mess- but it all comes from a place of love, right?
This week, while at my drawing board I was definitely feeling the love for the new adventure we are about to embark on as a family. Hidden in the design (called LOST AND FOUND) is a message of enjoying the journey, even if you don’t really know where its going to lead you. Getting happily lost is an awesome way to find things! So, even though we have been writing hundreds of lists as we get ready for school- I wanted my guy to know it’s absolutely fine not to plan for everything- and to know that sometimes the side roads have the best views- to be an adventurer, a happy, enthusiastic, live in the moment with eyes wide open adventurer the next few months- and to encourage my little guy to hold on tight to the wonder he has. It’s the joy of youth- for sure, and I don’t think you can ever grow too old for it!
It’s not often I make the time to play with my designs during their premier, because there is just so much “business” to take care of in their release. But this design had my heart- and scrapping is cheaper than therapy! here are a few layouts I made-