It’s funny how absolutely magical winter seems in November. The holidays are on the horizon, the house is layered up in cozy throws and pillows, big knit sweaters are so fun to snuggle in to- and slow roasted meals and hot cups of cocoa are an awesome end to the chilly days.And then, come January, after all the decorations are down and we are into our third month of being so freaking cold- I begin to dream of Spring. Promises of chocolate in February help stave off the Spring fever for a little while longer- but man- once March comes- I have an incurable case of Spring fever!
Looking forward to brighter days filled with flowers and the happy vibe of Spring is what worked it’s way onto the drawing board in the new design, BRIGHTER DAYS. Heck, I didn’t even try and have a play on words there- I just called it what it is!
It’s full of flowers and rainbows and gardening goodies and puddles and so many little joys of the start of spring- but my most favorite element is the sweet little one in the rain coat. It just reminded my heart of all the sweet splashy times my guys would love running out after a shower (or sometimes during one!) and jumping in the puddles! Heck, if one the the lessons I managed to teach the guys was to always try and dance in the rain- I’ll be happy.
Here’s hoping spring sunshine is not too far away- and until it’s outside our windows- at least we can have it on our pages!