It’s December 7th- one week into Christmas, the tree is up, the house decorated- but somehow I feel as if I am terribly behind this whole game! How can this be? As a little one, I remember it took forever for Christmas to come- and now- I feel as if it’s a blink and two mega sale days away from the moment we put the Thanksgiving leftovers away!
One of the things I really love doing this season, that slipped passed me in the hustle of the days post Thanksgiving (that included the whole house being sick for a few days!) was getting a start on my December Daily project. I am usually really good about taking a photo a day during the month- and then putting an album of stories and photos together during the week before New Years. But- here we are, 7 days in and I only have 2 photos. Is it a lost cause?
The Type A in me is having a really hard time with this- especially since so many of my albums are perfectly chronological. How can I start one week in? This is the same crazy lady in my head that is seriously disjointed when I have to cross out things on my pretty planner. And- I can trace her roots back to the young school girl that would rather rip out a page in her notebook than leave it full of messy mistakes. The struggle is real folks.
But- I decided to take a deep breath and focus on the why of my December Daily. Why do I do this project? To have a precise “this date in history” log- or to have a snapshot of the feelings, fun, traditions, and everyday routines that happen this time of year? Because if it’s the second reason (and, it is) then it’s never really too late is it?
So- my outlook for this year is this:
- The project is important enough to me that I want to do it.
- It’s important because I know that “normal” routines are always changing and I want to be sure to push pause on the moments happening now, no matter how simple they may seem.
- I am going to just start taking as many photos as possible starting right now so that I create an inventory to choose from.
Even though I may not be able to do a December Daily, I can still do a December Days. An album that focuses on moments as opposed to actual dates. And if I want to keep to the “countdown” of 25- then I can mix it up a bit and focus on 25 moments, 25 traditions, 25 reasons I smiled this December…
When I was looking back on some of my favorite layouts using ForeverJoy Christmas Kits, I realized this approach to moments is what made the pages so meaningful, not a strict timetable. In fact, not many of the layouts even have a date on them, but somehow, you can feel the memories being made, the joy of it all- and that’s what makes them special. Here’s a look at what I mean:
You can almost hear the music playing and the giggles- this is a December moment worth capturing! Does it matter what date it happened on?
This layout of an annual Christmas parade captures the sights and excitement of it all- the outfits, the excitement and wonder- that’s what make the layout matter- not the exact date it happened!
The sweet wonder of this little one in awe of the ornaments on the Christmas tree- that’s a fleeting memory- and what a shame to let it pass because you couldn’t document it chronologically.
Decorating the Christmas tree is a terrific memory to capture- because you can see how the people around the tree change and grow so clearly. And yet- the decorations stay the same because of the stories behind each one of them. Telling those stories- the one around and on the tree are a terrific way to Document December.
Holiday shopping and navigating though busy sidewalks together? It’s a memory worth saving!
Dressing up in silly hats and sweaters is all part of the fun of the season! It doesn’t matter what day it happened on- it only matters that it made you smile!
Gathering around the table with the ones you love for a terrific meal- the conversations, the silly drama, the tradition of it all- these are stories that need to be told. These are the moments that make the season- not the other way around.
For me, dressing the house for the season is one of my favorite things to do- and it always starts with paper whites on the windowsill. It’s not as grand as out tree or other greens- but to me- as I work in the kitchen during December- those sprouting flowers are so special! And it never fails that they will bloom right before Christmas day! Little joys. Good stuff right there.
Here’s hoping you create and capture the Joy of the season!
Thanks Betty! I have to push myself to remember that sometimes- and to recognize that I’ve never been disappointed in a non-chronological project. I lusty love getting it all down! ‘;)
Thanks Timmi! Consider this a support group! π
I love this article and your layouts. You put my thoughts down on paper. I don’t stress if it doesn’t get done in the right order. Just record the moments and memories.
Love your layouts!! Great post! I struggle/stress with the same things LOL!