Living in a time of pandemic, troubles and sadness topped with my little boy crashing into his teens- and my older guy joining the workforce full time and stepping away from home even more- this mama has definitely been longing for the “Good Old Days”.
But then, I think, will we look back on these days that have seemed so hard and see the beauty in them that we missed while living them? Not seeing the forest for the trees you could say.
Time does have a way of filtering out the sting of bad days- and maybe- when we look back on the past few months, we will seem them as a time of re-centering, refocusing and reconnecting with the ones we love most.
Maybe we will one day long for the slow days we have had now, the lack of schedules and places to go and things to do. This life we have been living has not always been perfect- but- if we look hard enough we can see, there have been a few perfect moments.
Adjusting focus. Maybe that’s the secret to finding joy in our days.
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